Division of Campus Life
Residential Life

Community Engagement

Learn more about being a resident of Providence and your College Hill, Fox Point, or Jewelry District neighborhood.

Welcome to a new year on the BLOC!

Learn About Your New Neighborhood

Neighborhood associations are groups of residents who work together to create a unified voice, enhance living conditions in their neighborhood, and address any neighborhood issues. In mixed commercial and residential areas like College Hill, Fox Point, and the Jewelry District, our neighborhood associations also include business owners or representatives from our fabulous restaurants, shops, and other businesses. 

Learn more about your neighborhood through its association: 

College Hill Neighborhood Association

Fox Point Neighborhood Association

Jewelry District Association

Representing Brown and Being a Great Neighbor

Brown students often find new opportunities to engage and give back in their community when they move off campus, and the vast majority of Brown students and neighbors in the community enjoy positive, supportive relationships. Brunonians living off campus and their neighbors have helped one another with pet-sitting, picking up packages on school breaks, and shoveling snow, to name just a few. An important way Brown students are great neighbors is by managing noise, trash disposal, and gatherings in accordance with Providence ordinances and policies. Any Brown student residing off campus may face both disciplinary action at the University and legal action from the city if they or guests visiting their residence violate these expectations. 

Things to keep in mind include:

  1. Noise: The City of Providence has a noise ordinance. This noise ordinance stipulates that noise must be greatly reduced between the hours of 8:00 PM to 7:00 AM. The Providence Police and Brown University Police enforce the law and will respond to complaints from your neighbors. Providence Police will issue noise citations to individuals who create disturbances. Families living in the neighborhoods around our campus have a right to enjoy a reasonable level of peace and quiet, including nights and weekends.
  2. Trash: As a tenant you are responsible for putting out your trash. Oftentimes trash is put out over the weekend causing an unnecessary eyesore and nuisance. The city trash ordinance stipulates that trash cannot be put out before dusk on the day preceding pickup. Violations of the city trash ordinance are punishable by a fine. Be sure to secure your trash so that it doesn’t blow away. Please remove trash containers from the street the same day as your pickup and as soon after the pickup as possible. For most students living adjacent to campus, trash pickup day is Monday.
  3. Recycling: Your landlord must provide each apartment unit with one blue bin for recycling materials. Your participation in recycling both on and off campus is important. Please be sure to secure your recyclables when you place them at the curb.
  4. Parties: Neighbors on the expect some social activity from students. However, late night rowdiness, public intoxication, disorderly conduct, and large groups of people outside with loud amplified music are not respectful to other members of the community. A host or hosts assumes all the risks associated with state and city laws regulating consumption of alcohol, noise ordinances, and public safety when they sponsor a party in their home. Brown University students are also subject to the University’s disciplinary system if a serious incident occurs off campus.
  5. Registering your off campus address: The University must have up to date contact information available on file. Please ensure that your student contact information is up to date with the University. Failure to do so will block your Spring Registration Process and may result in a meeting with Student Conduct.
  6. Standards of Student Conduct: The principles of the Brown University Community and the Standards of Student Conduct apply to students in their off-campus lives. Complaints from our neighbors will result in a Providence Police and/or Brown Police response as well as consideration of University disciplinary action.
  7. Giving Back: Explore one of many Engaged Student Groups through Brown's Swearer Center, which are partnered with a local organizations or schools. These groups are a great fit for Brunonians living off campus who are looking to engage with their local community and neighborhood in established programs. 

City of Providence Move-in/Move-out Guide

In another effort in education (especially student rentals), the City of Providence has created a “Move-in/Move-out” guide that provides detailed information for donation, recycling and disposal options for common items.